Friday, May 3, 2019

Nikuman (meat bun) / 肉まん

Making the bun at home sounds somehow complicated but it is actually not 😉
The nikuman is absolutely my favorite that remembers me my childhood.
You can find the nikuman almost everywhere in Japan. Especially, convenience stores have their original buns with different kinds of fillings.
Since I came to Germany, I could not find any nikuman in my surroundings. So I decided to make it at home and I was quite surprise that the home-made nikuman is so fresh and juicy, and not so complicated!
With this recipe, I have never made a failure.





This receipt is developed by nattsu47-san.

Please note that the ingredients are all same as the original but I made some changes in the text.

Ingredients for 8 pieces

- 50 g of strong flour 
- 150 g of flour
- 1/2 large spoon (5 g) of baking powder
- 1/2 large spoon (5 g) of  dried yeast 
- 30 g of sugar  
- 1/2 large spoon (6 g) of sunflower oil
- Some salt

Meat filling
- 150 g of minced pork 
- 1/2 of onion
- 1.5 large spoon of bread crumb ("panko")
- 1/2 large spoon of chicken stock powder 
- 1 large spoon of soy source
- 1/2 large spoon of sugar 
- 1/2 large spoon of sesame oil
- 1/2 large spoon of starch 


1. Put all ingredients of the bun in a bowl and add 100 ml of the lukewarm water.
2. Knead the dough until it becomes smooth (for about 5 to 7 min). 
3. Put the dough in the bowl and wrap it and leave for about 15 min.
4. Cut the onion in small pieces and mix with the bread crumb. 
5. Add all other ingredients of the meat filling and knead it.
6. Divide the meat filling into 8 balls.
7. Also, divide the dough into 8 balls. 
8. Roll out the dough ball and put the meat filling ball on it, and wrap the filling gently. Be careful that the bun is completely closed.
9. Heat the steamer (I used a rice cooker). Put the buns (I put them on the baking paper), and steam them for 20 min.
10. Serve the bun on the dish. 

I added small pieces of shiitake (a kind of mushrooms) in the dough to add some more flavor.
You can eat the bun with some soy source & vinegar dressing (soy source : vinegar = 1:1).


Flower carrot for decoration

Dried shiitake

Dough after kneading

Dough got some rest 

Shiitake soaked hot water, the shiitake water was used for making a soup

Round meat filling

Wrap carefully and beautifully

Ready for steam!

Rice cooker is doing a good job...

Bon appétit!


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